Saturday, 22 November 2014

Tips for Secure Password

Tips for Secure password

Passwords protect your most sensitive personal, financial and 
business information. They are the key to accessing membership, 
financial, and other web sites that you are a member of. All 
sorts of havoc can occur in your life if some unauthorized person 
discovers your password. Here are some tips for making that event 
less likely: 

1. Don't use easily guess passwords like a date of birth, spouse, 
child's or pet's name. In fact, don't use any word or phrase that 
even remotely relates to you or your world. You need to use a 
password which is difficult for anyone to guess but is not so 
difficult for you to remember. 

2. Use a combination of upper and lower case letters, symbols and 
numbers to make the password harder to guess. Some web sites do 
not allow symbols so you may not be able to always use them. 
Almost all web sites treat passwords as CaSe SeNsItIvE so mixing 
case is a good idea. 

3. Make your password at least eight characters long. Longer is 
even better. The more characters there are the harder it will be 
to guess. 

4. Use a different password for each account or web site. That 
way if one gets compromised you'll still be protected elsewhere. 

5. Change your passwords frequently. Pick a period, like the 15th 
of each month, and change all of your passwords on that date. 

6. Do not write your passwords down anywhere. You never know who 
is checking your drawers or file cabinet when you're not around. 
Also, do not store your passwords in an electronic filing device 
like a PDA. That's just as insecure as a piece of paper if you 
lose the device and someone who is less than honest finds it. 

If you have too many passwords to keep track of then consider 
using a password manager program. There are a lot of them on the 
market but be careful: some of them contain "adware" which will 
pop up ads every time you are online. Most of the free password 
managers contain some degree of adware. Here's one that doesn't: 

7. Never share your password with anyone else. If you have to, 
then change it immediately afterwards. 

8. Avoid using "dictionary" words. There are password-cracking 
programs that will check every word in the dictionary. If you 
want to use words then break them up with non-word characters. 
For example: BuIlT*99$APPlE is difficult for anything other than 
the most sophisticated password-cracking program to guess because 
it is combined with non-alphabet characters and it is in mixed 

9. Don't use "password" or "none" as your password! Don't even 
use "PaSsWoRd"! 

10. If someone calls or sends you e-mail claiming that they are 
from your bank, or credit card company, or anywhere else that you 
have a password with, NEVER give them your password or PIN no 
matter what story they tell you. It's a scam. No one will ever 
ask for your password. Legitimate administrators of your 
password-protected accounts do not need your password to access 
your files during the normal course of their business dealings 
with you. 

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